Academy / The Announcement
Green Week – Festival of the Green Economy
“The Factories of Sustainability” tour | March 25-27, 2025
Applications are now open for the scholarships for undergraduate students to participate in the 13th Green Week Academy, scheduled for March 25-30, 2025. The Green Week Academy is for students in bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs and ITS. Promoted by ItalyPost, L’Economia del Corriere della Seraand Planet 2030, in collaboration with the City of Parma, the Green Week is an extraordinary opportunity to explore and discuss the paths that the world of businesses most attentive to sustainability issues are taking. The Green Week Academy intends to offer a unique opportunity for meeting, exchange and training, through active participation in the event that guarantees selected students:
- guided tours in companies that symbolize sustainability and the green economy (March 25-27, 2025);
- Preferential access to major events and conferences in the more than 10 thematic sections including: construction and infrastructure, logistics, reuse and recycling, economic sustainability and social sustainability, food industry, fashion, research and technology, energy, water, and tourism;
- moments of meetings and insights with the big names in sustainability, green economy and ecological transition.
The next deadline to submit your application is December 15, 2024.
Why participate? Green Week Academy is your gateway to the world of the Green Economy, to delve into the topics of ecological transition and sustainability in industry.
Here’s what’s in store for you:
- Exclusive tours: enter 5-8 cutting-edge companies and learn first-hand the secrets of green management, sustainable production, and more.
- High-level networking: meet industry leaders and network internationally.
- Unique training: enrich your course of study with practical, hands-on experience recognized by top Italian companies and academia.

Scholarships to attend Green Week Academy
Also in 2025, the Festival looks with special attention to the involvement of young people from Italian universities, to whom it intends to offer a unique opportunity for meeting, exchange and training. To this end, the organization is offering a select number of university students the opportunity to apply for the Green Week Academy and access the living scholarships.
The Academy Program
The full program of the event is being finalized and will be available in the coming weeks on this website. Some previews: “SUSTAINABILITY FACTORIES” STUDY TOUR. The first part of Green Week (March 25-27, 2025) will be dedicated to a tour among the most innovative companies in terms of eco-sustainability. Selected applicants will meet the companies’ entrepreneurs and technicians through a program of tours, workshops and lectures during which the different scientific, cultural and technological approaches adopted will be revealed. Companies that have opened their doors to Green Week Academy participants in the past include: ABS – Accaierie Bertoli, Amorim Cork Italia, AMB, Po River District Basin Authority, Cielo e Terra Vini, Cereal Docks, Gi-Elle-Emme Tannery, Montebello Tannery, Melinda Consortium, Dal Maso Group, Davines, Feralpi Group, FITT, Fomet, Gemata, Goglio, Italscania, Irsap, IREN, Lago, Lapi Gelatine, Manteco, Mutti, Medio Chiampo, Metlac, Officine Mario Dorin, Medio Chiampo, Officine di Cartigliano, Piovan, Revet, Rosa dell’Angelo, Sicit, Simonelli Group, Sirmax group, Sofidel Group, Saib, SNAM Sergnano, Verallia Italia, Viacqua, Tfl, Zordan 1965. THE BIG TALKS IN PARMA. The second part of the week (March 28-30, 2025) will instead feature the city of Parma and the Festival of the Green Economy. Here all the leading national and international experts on green economy and ecological transition, leading entrepreneurs, and industry journalists will be present.
Past guests have included economist Jeffrey Sachs, David MacMillan, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021, Andrej Gejm, physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics, Peter Wadhams, world-renowned glaciologist, Maxine Bédat, founder and director New Standard Institute, author of The Dark Side of Fashion, Henry Sanderson, journalist, author of The Price of Sustainability. Winners and losers in the global electric car race, Jan Lundqvist, senio scientific advisor SIWI-Stockholm International Water Institute, Ermete Realacci, Symbola president; Maria Chiara Carrozza, president of the National Research Council; Sister Alessandra Smerilli, secretary of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development; Bruno Tabacci, former undersecretary of state at the Council of Ministers; Roberto Cingolani, former minister of Ecological Transaction; Giulio Boccaletti, honorary research associate Smith School of Enterprise Oxford University, author ofAcqua: A Biography (Mondadori, 2021), Alessio Terzi, professor HEC Paris and Sciences Po, economist DG ECFIN European Commission, and architects Mario Cucinella and Matteo Thun.
Entrepreneurs include Davide Bollati, president Davines Group; Giuseppe Pasini, president Feralpi Group; Diego Bolzonello, CEO SCARPA; Francesco Starace, CEO Enel; Luigi Lazzareschi, CEO Sofidel; Gianpiero Calzolari, chairman Granarolo, Maria Paola and Alessandro Chiesi, of Chiesi Farmaceutici, Daniele Lago, chief executive officer Lago, Catia Bastioli, chief executive officer Novamont, Gilda D’Incerti, chief executive officer PQE Group, Camilla Lunelli, Cantine Ferrari, Andrea Illy, chairman IllyCaffè.
THEMATIC SECTIONS IN PARMA. From March 25-30, 2025, in Parma, the program of talks with great guests will also be complemented by more than 10 thematic sections featuring about 300 experts and insiders. Green Week Academy participants will be able to choose which events to attend. Thematic focuses include: building and infrastructure, logistics, reuse and recycling, economic sustainability and social sustainability, food industry, fashion, research and technologies, energy, water, and tourism.

What does the living bag include?
The 200 fellowships offered cover 50 percent of the costs and include various participation options:
- OPTION 1 I Part I – “The Factories of Sustainability” (3 days and 2 nights): 280.00 euros;
- OPTION 2 I Part 2 – The Festival of the Green Economy (3 days and 2 nights): 240.00 euros;
- OPTION 3 I Full tour – “The Factories of Sustainability” & The Green Economy Festival. (6 days and 5 nights): 540.00 euros.
- Le 200 fellowships provide:
privileged access and reserved seats at all events of the event, with the possibility of direct dialogue with the speakers at the end of the meetings (option 2 and option 3); - Participation in company tours with bus transfers from one city to another to reach the companies (option 1 and option 3);
accommodation in multiple rooms (triple/quadruple) in contracted facilities for the entire duration of the stay and payment of the tourist tax (for all options); - Fixed menu lunches and dinners in facilities that will be indicated by the organization (for all options).
To confirm their participation in the event, students selected for the fellowship are required to pay a different fee depending on the option chosen. Note: Travel expenses to the departure city are the responsibility of the participants.

All students who confirm participation will be given a voucher worth 120 euros to request books freely chosen on the basis of their interests from an extensive list of titles both related to the topics of the culture of sustainability and general topics useful for the participants’ specialized training.
Added value to your resume!
At the end of the event, you will receive an official certificate of participation, which you can include in your resume as evidence of an exclusive educational experience recognized by the most important Italian companies. Selected students are required to follow the program of events that will be defined by the Green Week organization and to actively take part in the activities planned during the days of the event.
How to apply
Don’t waste time! Applications close on December 15!
Click here to apply and secure one of 200 available positions. Selections take place on a weekly basis, so act now! Selected students are expected to follow the program of events that will be defined by the organization and to actively take part in the activities planned during the three-day event. Applications will be selected at the sole discretion of the event’s organizational management; applications will be selected and approved on a weekly basis until all available places are filled. Our staff will provide the selected students with all information regarding board, lodging and the schedule of the appointments, and will communicate how to make the payment of the participation fee.

Frequently asked questions
If you have any doubts or questions about how to fill out the application, how to organize your stay at Green Week, what to do if you drop out after paying the participation fee, click here to find the answer to frequently asked questions.
For more information
Contact Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the following numbers:
T. 0490991240