Parma Festival of the Green Economy

The Green Week program features leading figures from business, finance, and institutions attentive to sustainability issues.

Monica Araya
executive Director International European Climate Foundation
Mario Tozzi
primo ricercatore CNR e Divulgatore scientifico
Stefano Mancuso
neurobiologo delle piante e direttore Laboratorio Internazionale di Neurobiologia Vegetale
Carlos Moreno
scientific director “Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation” IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School, professor at IAA, International Academy of Architecture e autore de La città dei 15 minuti (ADD)
Dario Fabbri
giornalista, analista di geopolitica e autore di Geopolitica umana (Gribaudo)
Giulio Boccaletti
direttore scientifico Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
Roberto Battiston
docente di Fisica Sperimentale Università di Trento e autore de L'alfabeto della natura (Rizzoli)
Rita Querzè
giornalista Corriere della Sera e autrice di Donne e lavoro (Post Editori)
Davide Oldani
chef e autore di Visioni Pop. Una passione lunga 20 anni (Gribaudo)


Parma Festival of the Green Economy

Ermete Realacci
presidente Fondazione Symbola e presidente comitato scientifico del Festival
Francesco Perrini
associate Dean for Sustainability, SDA Bocconi, da anni si occupa di ESG e valutazioni finanziarie
Paola Profeta
docente di Scienze delle Finanze e prorettrice per la Diversità, Inclusione e Sostenibilità Università Bocconi

March 25-30, 2025


Since 2011, Green Week has been an event that addresses issues related to the green economy. The event is divided into two parts: a tour to discover the “Sustainability Factories” and then arrive in Parma for the Green Economy Festival with leading sustainability figures. Click on the green button to find out about the 2024 edition of the Festival.

Guided tours, workshops, seminars, talks

The factories of sustainability

The first three days of Green Week will be devoted to the now traditional “Sustainability Factories” tour: fifty companies from all Italian regions will open the doors of their headquarters to visitors. They participated in the 2024 edition:

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Farm tours, talks and major events

Academy Project

A special program of hospitality and participation in company visits and Festival events aimed at undergraduate students of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.

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Guided tour in the Italian “Sustainable Factories”

International Academy

The Green Week Academy is aimed at English-speaking BA, MA and PhD students.





Sustainability Green Week was held in Parma, another medium-sized network hub city. More and more ecology rhymes with eventology in that noble attempt to make the transition ahead “socially shared.” Festival with big names and with the prominence of young people. But with their feet…
More and more companies are adopting an Esg perspective. “Behind these three concepts, environment, social and governance, is the distillation of what a company needs to do to meet today’s challenges and build a business structure capable of designing its production processes in a way…
The goal of the meeting was to hold different generations together, confronting them on the urgency, costs and contradictions of the ecological transition. At the penultimate Parma Greenweek event, titled “The Future is in Our Hands. Dialogue between Generations,” yesterday morning, the hall was full…